Sunday, May 8, 2011

Rain, Rain your Warmth on Me Mommy

She didn't get to say a word, but I allowed her to light her cigarette before telling her to get on the ground. So she sat -  just sat! I said come on now, lay down! The look on her face was a wonderful mixture of confusion, fear, excitement and too much pride to admit any of it. I couldn't help but smile and tried to control the laughter bubbling up through my chest. I knew she was going to get hit hard because I had quite a bit saved up. I held it another few seconds to demand her mouth be open and double check in the dark night that she had indeed obeyed my orders. Oh the fun of the sound all over her face, gurgling in her mouth and splashing all around her face, sprinkling - no now soaking her and the ground all around. The thrill completely took away any thought of the neighbors peeking curiously from their back windows. Besides, my giggles had been transformed to a wicked happy grin. I kissed a few drops of my taste from her cheek and moved her upstairs.

Baby, where did you miss? Oh dear, I must take care of this right away. Ah the enjoyment of pushing her around in the shower as my razor reached every angle, every unwanted hair. Baby girls are soft and smooth and I expect soft and smooth to be maintained. Yes Mommy makes me happy hearing it no matter how many times I hear it.

I enjoyed inspecting my body. Relishing much, cataloging much to improve as I go along. I decided I needed to taste everything. I tasted my pussy, my clitty, my titties, my crevice near my thigh, the cleavage under growing breasts... ah well that's that because baby is suddenly and obviously enjoying this too much! I sat on her face hard, happy and demanding. I reminded her that this was a test and that I would be giving her tips and requirements once I experienced her best. I tried to conceal the shocker at the quality of her best, but after a short yet ecstatic couple of minutes, the unexpected feeling surging through my body burst from my lips. I hung onto her hair with desperation as my head flung back and I howled at the ceiling. Suddenly I trusted my baby to unleash my passion. The hair I was clinging to now became my tool to obtain an escalation of these sensations. I yanked her face hard into the wetness of my pussy, knowing it must be suffocating, but loving it all the more. This created an excitement in her that was electric shock from her dedicated tongue straight into every nerve of my body as I flooded her with my release.

As I melted down across her body, I forced some kisses, tortured titties, and ignored the clitty that was visually throbbing with need. As my finger caressed my beautiful sensual pussy to begin more delightful playtime, she shrilled that she was going to cum. I immediately yanked all touch from her and sternly said NO, aghast at the thought that she would do such a thing without my consent. She wimpered as her cum dripped like a mini fountain from her stretched clitty. My obvious disappointment brought a distressed look to my baby's face - completely lace with guilt. I sighed again as with so many other times that I realize the work needing done. Then I begin scooping up every last drop of her velvety release and allowed her the joy of wiping it on her happy tongue and the remainder on her face. Ah yes, the work needing done. I cannot get far with these small fleeting moments. I can't wait until the day I can sweep her away for days without interupption in hopes of utterly breaking her of these torturous issues.

From Baby L>
right here wif my mouth wide open for you mommy, tat was soo exciting feeling your warmth over me and raining on me. you pushing your wetness down on my face.. more and more..
id like to be their now to have you force me back down to the ground again to allow you the total mental well being of knowing i am your bitch taking your golden nectar as i should.  and yes i did kinda run, you left me alone, i felt lost, not knowing what to do or not to do, i have always ran when given the oppurtunity at first, as i have never been left to clean myself up and it felt werid having you walk away to do something else. i so enjoyed you allowing me to lick your pussy and immy loving mommy tat i came to soon for you. but i loved you scoopin it up adn feeding it to me, soooo tasty.  your harshness is exactly what i need, and more of it. i can learn to give myself to you totally, in and out of the house, yet i prefer and will look to you for guidance on when to speak or not. and i do miss having your worn panties on me, feeling so dirty, and yet part of you is very refreshing.

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